In this episode of Radio Wasteland, we welcome UFO researcher Greg Bishop as our guest. We discuss what happened when he was contacted by a possible Naval Intelligence officer and how UFO research has changed since the internet got involved.
Radio Wasteland: You had talked about, um, an issue wherein the 90s, you were approached by people claiming to be Naval intelligence after a set of mysterious incidents. Can you, can you elaborate for me?
Greg Bishop: I dunno what mysterious incident said that, uh, that refers to, I maybe I sent something about it, but I can’t remember what the steer he said incidents were. But the w what happened was a friend of mine, um, once con contacted by somebody who said it wasn’t Naval intelligence and that after a while he said, would you like to meet him? I said, of course, you know. Um, so we met with the guy. Um, he didn’t things like, um, show us pictures that he said were from area 51 of um, strange like, you know, crafts that were capturing and whatever, um, you know, kind of some, most of them kind of blurry and some of them a little more distinct, but I suppose could have been photo-shopped at the time or whatever. Some of them looked real. I don’t know.
Radio Wasteland: Were any pictures that you are familiar with maybe you haven’t seen before?
Greg Bishop: Not a one, which was kind of in kind of an interesting, I hadn’t seen any of them, so I think he knew that or whoever he was working with knew that. So they wanted to, you know, so what, what, what’s your find out with these people is that they will flatter your ego by saying you’re special. We’re going to tell you this thing. It is a secret, but we think you need to know and then then they can lay anything on you if you’re, if you believe them because then you’re like, well, I must be important. So they’re giving me the real stuff. And then they put that point thinking you’d be anything, um, mixed with, you know, mixed, mixed with real stuff so it doesn’t look, look, sound like total BS. Um, but he would do things like, um, would tell my friend, and this was the mid-nineties when this, or the early nineties, when this was just revealed when the stealth fighter was revealed, he would tell him, go to this airport at this time and stand at this runway.
Greg Bishop: And he did it. And the stealth fighter would fly over and it wasn’t even, it was barely publicly revealed at that point. So, and he tell us, you know, watch the news and this was during the Kosovo conflict. You said in one week we’ll hear that this person was shot down. And it was like, and it would happen if he got access to information. But the thing was he used that to pile a whole bunch of other stuff on us. Like, um, you know, political stuff. It’s when you off Oh, stuff mixed with, I don’t know what else, but it was mostly had to do with UFO information. Um, and I got, uh, after a while of talking to the sky, I got hair, horribly paranoid. I thought somebody was, you know, he told me people can watch what I was doing in my computer and they can look into my house and all this other stuff.
Greg Bishop: And I got viciously paranoid for about a year until I decided I made a decision to stop being paranoid cause I was tired of it. Um, but I learned a lot, you know, from, from talking to the sky. And I have, I had hours of conversations with him about, uh, basically about the UFO subject. And, um, it’s stuff that most people talk about now about every 50 bond and about, you know, the, uh, what’s going on there. The um, who’s involved there, what companies were involved there, what defense companies were involved in, in the subject, stuff that a lot of people talk about now. But back then nobody really knew or the rumors hadn’t started. Um, whether it’s true or not, I don’t know. Um, I think it’s partially true. Just like a lot of stuff he told me, but it was a really good education. And when somebody from the government, it says they from the government contacts you, you have to be really careful because they’re not contacting you because they think you’re special. They think you’re useful, if you see what I mean. So, so why you, you know, why? Cause I listened to him and I guess they thought I was right for whatever, cause I didn’t publish some of this stuff. He told me in the magazine, cause I thought it was interesting. I didn’t come, but I didn’t publish. I published, I published it with caveats, like, you know, this could be true, I’m not sure. And I got the guy yelled at me for it. I haven’t seen this for myself. And at that point I think a lot of it died out because I wasn’t doing what they asked me to do.
Radio Wasteland: Yeah. Do you feel like they were trying to get you to distribute disinformation or to slowly distribute true information?
Greg Bishop: I don’t know. Maybe both. I really don’t know. But if, if somebody holds all the cards and you’re just a, you’re just sitting at the table there and occasionally they give you a hand. You really don’t have any choice in what it is either have to play or not. And if you play, you kind of have to play by the rules. And if you don’t play by the rules, they kick you out of the game. And if you want to play and you want to play by the rules and it’s not too restrictive, like they’re not, you know, asking you to hide bodies or anything, not, but that would happen. But as an example, as a, that’s an extreme example, then, you know, that’s why the title of the chapter that that’s in is called you play the game or you get nothing. And um, the same thing happened when I was working on project beta then look them up, Paul Benowitz. I mean, I realized that I was involved in a game and that I had to play by people’s rules. Um, that doesn’t mean that I passed along just information.
Greg Bishop: I had to be somewhere where I, where I said I was going to be and talk to the person I said I was going to talk to and, you know, be, be willing to be, I probably had background checks on me. I have no idea. But, um, as long as you can play the game without having to knowingly lie or, or, um, distribute false information, I vote. I’m okay with playing that day, but I’m not going to tell other people’s slides for them, at least not knowingly. Right.
Radio Wasteland: So, you know, this cloak and dagger kind of stuff has kind of like a, a stereotype of this whistleblower UFO stuff. But this stuff really goes home.
Greg Bishop: Yeah, it does. I don’t know if that goes on so much anymore because the internet is a lot easier than having to use people. All you have to do is start throwing out stuff on the internet. And if people, if it’s flighters or prejudices, they’ll believe it. So you don’t really need to use researchers anymore. Although I think, you know, some are maybe kind of use, but maybe they don’t even know it. Um, and it’s not, you know, I think it has more than a lot more to do with defense and secrets and, and black projects and intelligence and all that than it does with you. LFOs um, I think the UFO subject is, it’s whoever in the government knows what’s going on. They probably know what’s going on, but they can’t do anything about it. Um, and if they can, we’re never going to hear about that. But I think it’s mostly the cover-up is they can’t do anything about it. And the subject can be used for other purposes like counter-intelligence. Um, that might frequent some people. That might be a naive view, but that’s mine right now. And it has been for a while based on the people I’ve talked to and the things I’ve seen,
Radio Wasteland: you know, I don’t really disagree with any of that. One thing that I’ve been having a hard time wrapping my brain around is, is, uh, the Navy releasing this stuff and even admitting to it or even saying anything about it, especially in publicly. Yeah, that’s real, but we don’t know what it is that seems like, like you’re just trying to terrify the masses that you don’t know what you’re doing, you know? Uh, I find it all really kind of confusing.
Greg Bishop: A couple or three minds about that and one of them is, um, let’s deal with this in a way that is, uh, uh, more open so that we can count, we can, you know, utilize some of the public, resources for this too. They know exactly what’s going on, but, it’s being used to this is one scenario you’ve been used to scare people into bigger defense budget or whatever. And three, um, it’s an intelligence operation where people are being told a certain thing to see how the rumors spread and how to, you know, uh, how, how people feel about it, how they comment on it. I’ll tell you, when people come on the internet and say, what do people think about this? I’m like, to me that seems just like an obvious person gathering information.
Greg Bishop: Like, what’s this person? If their opinion, what are they, what are they thinking? What are they saying? Just so that information can be logged somewhere and used at some, which is why when somebody asks my opinion unless it’s a friend of mine, um, that’s the asked my opinion anonymously on the internet. I don’t give into them. I don’t, I it’s, I, I would rather not. Um, but yeah, I show like this where everybody’s listening and the host uses their real name and all that. Totally fine. I’ll, I’ll talk about anything but right. I think people should be aware of that. Just giving up too much, um, opinion or personal information to people that who they don’t know. Even if they do use their real names or sat what sounds like a real name. So you know, you should be like, I’ll give you an example.
Greg Bishop: Remember that font that came out that was supposedly Donald Trump’s handwriting. Somebody found his own handwriting and made a whole font out of it and called it, you know, a stupid person fought or something like that. And I punch in, my friends are like, what is this? This is so cool. And I said you think you should be downloading that? Do you know who downloads that is? People that you know, people with your opinion about, you know, with a certain political opinion. So I don’t know if I’d be downloading information that’s specifically politically oriented onto my own computer.
Radio Wasteland: Yeah. Well, I mean, it’s definitely a weird day and age of the way that information is in our software.
Greg Bishop: Downloading software on your computer that agrees with your politics.
Radio Wasteland: Right. I think that’s the weirdest part, is that everything we read is catered to, to what we like already. You know, it seems pretty
Greg Bishop: stagnant. Yeah. Check out stuff that pisses you off once in a while, you know that you would normally check out and you can tell him.