Dr Lauren Cielo
As a child, Lauren often journeyed to the astral planes, mingling with the spirits and angels that inhabit the celestial realm. Lauren understood, even then, that physical reality is just a part of the entire Creation. While on this ‘trips’, Lauren learned that of many life times as a psychic and healer. These experiences culminated at age 12 when in a dream, Lauren was given information that the path of this lifetime would deviate greatly from Lauren’s traditional upbringing.
With the help of Lauren’s Spirit Guide and Healing Master, Ankaijia, their Life Readings and Healings have benefited numerous clients across the globe. Healings are both spiritual and physical, with many people experiencing spiritual and physical cures to lifelong problems. Some of Lauren’s specialties include Energetic Athletic Training, Gender Non-Conformity and working on several hard science projects that are creating new hardware and software inventions that span science and spirituality.