Radio Wasteland #72 Grey Aliens with Author Raymond Szymanski

UFOs and Wright Patterson Air Force Base with Raymond Szymanski

Join us as we welcome UFO researcher and author, Raymond Szymanski. Sean Kittric takes the night off as host, Chauncey Haworth, learns about and discusses alien research conducted at Wright Patterson Air Force Base with UFology expert Raymond Szymanski.


Raymond Szymanski

A four-decade U.S. Government senior scientist turned paranormal researcher and author, Raymond Szymanski takes you inside the Top Secret Holy Grail of Ufology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, to look at alien visitation possibilities that have never been previously explored. His interest in Extraterrestrials and their connection to Wright-Patt was ignited during his first week of government employment by a mentor who eventually earned promotion to the exclusive ranks of the Senior Executive Service. This intriguing back-story and many revelatory adventures are presented as Raymond investigates his way through the UFO/ET phenomena, transforming from a curious, skeptical researcher to a firm believer in the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis.

Relying on decades of professional experience, Raymond does his own research, investigating available ‘facts’ and theories all the way to ground – trusting yet verifying. The result is an exclusive, first-person adventure story described in a fast read narrative, illustrated by never-before-published photographs.

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Radio Wasteland #72