Ghost Hunters Extraordinaire with Ronald Andrus

Tonight’s guest is Ronald Andrus from the Paranormal research group, Ghost Hunters Extraordinaire. We’ll be discussing Oriskany Battlefield Haunted History, Fort Stanwix Haunted experience, Rolling Hills Asylum in East Bethany, NY, some of their Most Convincing Evidence, Tools Used During Research and more.


The team has also picked up the sounds of a young girl named Elizabeth whistling using a voice recorder. Often, members of Ghost Hunters Extraordinaire will feel a tug on their pant legs when Elizabeth tries to get their attention. For more information about their services or to request an investigation, please visit the Ghost Hunters Extraordinaire website.

Ghost Hunters Extraordinaire also conducted an investigation of Rolling Hills Asylum in East Bethany, NY. Although it later functioned as an asylum, the facility started out as a poorhouse dating back to 1826.

The former asylum remains open for tours. Visitors frequently report coming across a spirit called the “Gentle Giant”. At age 12, parents left their young 12-year-old deformed boy at the asylum. Named Roy Crouse, he grew up tall, standing at 6’11” with a size 26 shoe. In fact, the asylum’s current owner, Sharon Coyle, frequently visits the “Gentle Giant” whose spirit follows her around whenever she visits because he feels protected by her. The team has encountered a number of other ghosts in the asylum. The spirit of Nurse Emma roams the third floor. Raymond, the former groundskeeper and janitor who played Santa for the kids, also wanders the asylum. The spirit of children still lurks in the hallways of Rolling Hills. During investigations, the team captured the apparitions of young children. After zooming in on the photo with the clown on the wall, you can clearly see an apparition of a child in the crib.

Ghost Hunters Extraordinaire also investigated the Split Rock Quarry in Syracuse, NY. The former munitions factory exploded on July 2, 1918, killing at least 50 men and injuring others. Ghost Hunters Extraordinaire lead investigator, Ronald Andrus, spoke about his experience during the session: “We’ve been there quite a few times. I’ve provoked and will never do it again. I saw an illuminated mist behind me come from nowhere. I freaked and it flew off to my left and disappeared quickly. It reminded me of Ectoplasm.”