The Transhumanist Agenda: Interview with Ryan D. Gable

Transhumanism has come to mean different things to different people, from a core belief to a cultural movement, a field of study to a technological futuristic fantasy. We want to know if there is a transhumanist agenda so we ask our guest, author, researcher and radio host Ryan D. Gable his opinion of this very question: Is there a transhumanist agenda?

Radio Wasteland: How much of this do you think is, and in the world of people controlling other people in utilizing these things, how much of a longterm plan do you think is premeditated? Or do you think this is a slippery slope that we’re all just walking down or, or do you think there is an execution here of a plan?

Ryan D Gable: Well, I, I look at that in the book as well. The Technological Elixir and I talk about it a lot on my radio show and since I’m open to looking at so many avenues and not trying to really prove a point, I think that we can look at this as a very, very wide-ranging spectrum where on one end you just have college kids. Like there are some college kids in Canada. I think they were in, um, I want to say Toronto or S I think somewhere around that area of Canada. And they developed a system by which they could listen to your voice and then they could mirror that voice and then they could replay it back. But then they could use that as a way to create a voice that’s your voice. But then to say anything, and these are just college kids who invented this.

Ryan D Gable: Same thing at UC Berkeley. Some kids came up with a neural dust, smart dust. You could just type that in. UC Berkeley, smart dust will come up by major university publication. So just some kids that made that. But that stuff is also the kind of stuff that will be looked at by the military and by private companies. And they’ll come in and buy it up, buy the rights to it by the patents, or they’ll give these people a lot of money and then they’ll disappear into the, into the woodwork of these, you know, whether it’s the military defense contractors, you know, corporations, whatever. So that’s on one end of the spectrum. Just some kids who thought like, I got a great idea, you know, they’re engineers, they developed something, makes them a lot of money, they get a great job and then they’re brought into that system.

Ryan D Gable: On the other end of the spectrum, you have people like Elon Musk. I thought it was interesting that, um, Wernher Von Braun, the chief, basically the head who developed everything that NASA is, everything that NASA is today, uh, today. And was, uh, Wernher Von Braun wrote a book called Project MARS: A Technical Tale. And he talked about going to Mars co, you know, there was like a colony of people on Mars, like aliens. And they were led by this, uh, being, I mean, if I remember this correctly, uh, they were led by this being named, uh, Ilan. And so from the book you get this idea of beware of the Ilan cause you couldn’t, you couldn’t trust Elon. While this is the Elon Musk who wants to go to Mars, this is the Ilan who wants to connect our brains and wants to literally put a net of satellites in the sky, a literal Skynet system with his Starlink program.

Ryan D Gable: And he comes off as like, Hey, I bought a flame thrower. You know, I’ve got this Gothic girlfriend. I’m cool. I’m just like you. I sweat a lot. I’m really nervous on stage. I’m just a regular guy like you. Any. And he probably is, but he’s also made these comments like with artificial intelligence, we are summoning the demon. So he clearly knows how dangerous it is. He knows that this is a double-edged sword to say the very least, but like those people at MIT who have said, we know, we know that this is dangerous, but we just, we can’t stop. We have to keep developing this. So I started to think maybe there’s a more otherworldly force involved, kind of like the Borg from Star Trek just as a reference point. And that there are perhaps entities or forces working through people like Elon Musk and uh, I mean people like him and some of these other Silicon Valley people, there’s no doubt that these guys, some of them probably already have microchips and wires in their brain and if they don’t have that, a lot of them, like a, I think it’s bayzos who’s, who’s very well known for just taking handfuls of supplements and all these various experimental drugs and products to try to extend his life and life life quality and things like that.

Ryan D Gable: Um, it might’ve been basis, it might’ve been somebody else. So a lot of these guys, I think on some hardcore drugs, uh, and traditionally speaking in the world of the pair in the paranormal and in demonology when people are taking a lot of drugs or they’re drinking a lot of alcohol, that opens the door for what we call possession, what other people call walk-ins. So they become more susceptible to spiritual influences. And so I just talked about that in the book, that perhaps these people are under the influence of some demonic force, alien force, whatever you want to call it. And that’s driving this forward. That’s why people like Ilan, they recognize the danger, but it’s almost like they’ve got to know they’ve got a gun to their head. Like the cops are called the cops show up, the guy’s got a gun behind the door and the cop says everything okay.

Ryan D Gable: And you’re like, yeah, yeah, everything’s okay. And you’re trying to, you know, nudge your head to the left, showing the head. There’s a guy, he’s got a gun behind the door. And that’s kind of feels like that from some of these guys. They get on stage, they’re sweating, they just look burned out. Or they look like their brains, their everything’s fried. And they’re like, yeah, we built this, we gotta, we gotta keep doing it. We have to keep building it. We don’t know how to stop. It’s like the, almost like they’re being controlled. So I think the spectrum is as wide as some college kids to something that’s other-dimensional. And that’s why this system is just like global worldwide. And it seems to be just like in politics when a policy is introduced or a bill is introduced in one state and it’s passed and it sets a precedent, suddenly six other States have the same bill and then they pass it to.

Ryan D Gable: And I think that’s very similar to what’s happening in technology. It’s like, well we developed this. Some other people, you know, it, it does have that, you know, space, race feel to it that AI race, whoever can get there first. So it’s about economics and money and building your portfolio and your company and your job. And that’s part of the spectrum too. But I really think, to answer your question, and it goes from the college kids to other dimensional entities, and perhaps the spectrum is even bigger and larger than that and anything I can imagine, that’s just how I see it.

Radio Wasteland: Radio Wasteland:
Yeah. In order for it to really be, you know, it’s automatically shortened by the nature of a human life. You know, it’s like, uh, so if it is anything longer than that, it would have to be outside of humanity because I don’t know, historically, I guess people are looking to hand things off to their kids, but I don’t know about they’re in this situation.

Ryan D Gable: Some of these people, I mean, they clearly, their desire is to materially live forever. Right. And that’s kind of where I got the idea for the name of the book. Because throughout history, people have tried to do things to live longer, whether trying to make pacts with the devil or they’ve tried to develop an elixir of life physically, not like spiritual alchemy, but a physical elixir of life. They find this thing or Ponce de Leon, the fountain of youth. Uh, I think I mentioned that in the book to [inaudible], they find this magical elixir to extend their life. And so I call it the technological elixir because a lot of people are looking to technology to be that elixir of life to extend their life. But I think one thing we miss is even if like Elon Musk and these guys came out tomorrow and said, look, we’ve got technology we can live for 500 years in a machine. No problem. Do you really think that people like you and I are going to have access to that? I mean, the cost alone of a Tesla car is beyond anything I could ever imagine in my lifetime. Affording I doubt.

Radio Wasteland: No, totally. I could have the maintenance costs is beyond my budget.