We talk to Neil Gaur about how technology is potentially harming us by preventing us from having time to ourselves to meditate and release trauma. …your unconscious mind starts bleeding through, releasing all the emotions and experiences that have been stored in your cellular memory. There are many ways to release trauma without remembering what… Continue reading How do you fix childhood trauma that you don’t recall? with guest, Neil Gaur
Zecharia Sitchin
Russian-American author Zecharia Sitchin alleged that humanity was created by an alien race called the Anunnaki. He claimed that they came to Earth thousands of years ago to mine gold and genetically engineered modern humans to be their slaves. Sitchin translated ancient texts, including the Mesopotamian creation myth, and often claimed that his translations supported his theories. Most academics have refuted his work, accusing him of fudging details or outright fabricating translations. His ideas remain popular in the Ufology field, though his translations continue to be challenged by scholars and linguists alike.

Zecharia Sitchin on Radio Wasteland
Why is Nibiru Important: Samuel Hofman
Nibiru being its own planetary system, why is it so popular? Why is the sun not the famous one? Samuel Hofman, Nibiru expert credits Zecharia Sitchin for that. He also talks to us about Hercolubus (aliens referred to that as Emiru) and our solar system trajectory. Chauncey: Nibiru being its own planetary system, why is… Continue reading Why is Nibiru Important: Samuel Hofman
Zecharia Sitchin was a Russian-American author and researcher who studied ancient texts.
He was born in 1920 and he died in 2010. Sitchin wrote several books, the first one being The 12th Planet published in 1976. This book has been translated into many languages including English, Spanish, French and German. His other works include The Stairway To Heaven (1980), The Wars Of Gods And Men (1985), When Time Began (1989) and Genesis Revisited(1990).
Sitchin was also interested in ancient languages such as Sumerian, Akkadian, Hebrew Old Persian Ugaritic Hittite Hurrian Hatti etc.,
He translated many ancient texts, including the Mesopotamian creation myth
He translated many ancient texts, including the Mesopotamian creation myth Enuma Elish and the Sumerian flood story, as well as cuneiform texts written by such notable figures as Gudea and Hammurabi. Sitchin’s translations of these ancient texts are respected by academics in this field, who say he conveys their meaning accurately.
Sitchin also translated works from other languages: he translated Egyptian hieroglyphs from the tomb of Pharaoh Ramses III; he translated the Old Testament from Hebrew; he used ancient Greek sources to translate Persian history into English; and he even translated Chinese hieroglyphs on a huge scale project that took him 15 years to complete. In addition to being an accomplished translator with a deep understanding of multiple cultures’ languages, Sitchin has also published articles about his theories about extraterrestrial beings in various journals over his career.
Sitchin wrote that there are 12 bodies in our solar system, one of which is the Planet X.
The Planet X, also known as Nibiru and Marduk, is a hypothesized planet beyond the orbit of Pluto. According to Sitchin’s interpretation of Mesopotamian culture and myth, Nibiru (or Marduk) was the tenth planet in our solar system that came close enough to Earth every 3,600 years or so to bring on natural disasters.
The Sumerians believed that it was called “Nibiru” or “Marduk” (from which we get the name “Marduk”; they were one and the same). In Babylonian astronomy it was known as “the Planet of Heaven” or “the Eye of Heaven.” Sitchin believes that this celestial body is still there today – it just isn’t visible from Earth because its elliptical orbit takes it behind our sun for long periods of time.
Sitchin also says there are 12 bodies in our solar system: Mercury; Venus; Earth; Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; Neptune and Pluto (the 8 planets); Ceres (a dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter); Pallas Athena (a second dwarf planet between Mars and Jupiter); Vesta Asteroid belt object Vesta Asteroid belt object
This planet has an orbit of 3,600 years and it will cause catastrophes when it comes near Earth again.
An ancient Sumerian clay tablet, translated by Sitchin in 1976, suggests that Nibiru is a planet that orbits our sun every 3,600 years. At its closest approach to Earth, it creates cataclysmic natural disasters on our planet.
The next time Nibiru will come close to Earth is 2012 AD (or 2011 BC), according to Sitchin’s interpretation of the ancient text.
The notion of an undiscovered planet thousands of light years away from our own was ridiculed by scientists when it was first published in 1976 but since then has developed a following among conspiracy theorists who believe it could be linked with the end of humanity as they know it.
Sitchin published several books and articles claiming that humanity was created by an alien race called the Anunnaki.
Sitchin’s books and theories are not considered credible by academics, scientists, or the academic community. The majority of his ideas are pseudoscience and not supported by established science or academia. Sitchin takes ancient Sumerian texts as literal history, and interprets them to fit his theories about how humanity was created by an alien race called the Anunnaki. These claims are not regarded as credible because they contradict known facts about modern human evolution, which dovetails with archaeological evidence from excavations all over the world.
Both his claims about the Anunnaki and his translations have been criticized for being flawed or pseudoscience.
Sitchin’s translations have been criticized by mainstream scholars as flawed or pseudoscience.
The noted archaeologist William Hallo wrote that Sitchin’s work was “error-ridden” and “not very helpful” in understanding the ancient world.
The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies published a volume of essays entitled The Sitchin Hypothesis: A Scientific Critique, which examines and rejects Sitchin’s theories about Nibiru, genetic engineering and other topics.
Sampie Terreblanche has said that he believes that the creation of Adamu (the first man) from clay was inspired by the story of Adam made from dust found in Genesis 2:7; this suggests that the Sefirot (divine attributes) may have influenced Jewish beliefs about God creating mankind from dust.
While Sitchin is often credited as the pioneer of ancient alien theory, his claims have been widely discredited by scientists. Many academics view Sitchin’s work as pseudoscience or a conspiracy theory.