Christopher Robin missed the first episode due to the flu, so on our second episode, we decided to address pandemics and the possibilities of global extinction at the hands of a virus. Although the likelihood of a global extinction at the hands of a virus is unlikely, we as a planet are very overdue for… Continue reading Pandemic Possibilities
Immunizations protect people from serious diseases. They work by helping the immune system fight germs that cause disease. Immunizations are sometimes called vaccines, which is a kind of medicine that helps prevent illness. In some cases, immunizations are one of the most important things you can do to protect your health and the health of your family.

Immunization on Radio Wasteland
Immunization is a way to prevent illness by giving your body a sample of what it needs to fight against
It’s like giving your child a preview of what it would face if exposed to real germs.
The term “immunization” can cover several types of treatments: vaccines, toxoids and serums. These are used to either ward off certain diseases or prepare the body for an actual attack on its immune system by offering protection in advance—a little bit like an inoculation.
The first recorded use of the word was in 1674 when Sir Christopher Wren used it while describing how he had built up his immunity against smallpox after recovering from the disease 30 years earlier
Your body’s immune system protects you from harmful substances
Your body’s immune system protects you from harmful substances, such as bacteria and viruses. It is made up of different types of cells that work together to protect your health. The immune system can be compared to a police force or a military force in its job: it is designed to fight germs and other harmful substances.
Your body is constantly exposed to germs that can make you sick—from the moment you are born until the day you die. When these germs get into your body, they enter through openings such as your nose or mouth; eyes; vagina; anus; cuts on your skin; or breaks in your skin from insect bites. Once inside, the germ multiplies until there are enough of them for symptoms (like fever) to appear in about 3 days after being infected with the germ
Vaccines prevent diseases like measles and whooping cough.
They are not the same thing as immunizations, which are necessary for a child to go to school and daycare. A vaccine is a medicine that you get from the doctor or another healthcare professional to help your body build up its defenses against certain diseases. You can get vaccines as an adult if you’re traveling or will be around newborns who are too young for vaccination.
Vaccines often contain tiny amounts of inactive viruses or bacteria, but they don’t cause symptoms of disease because they’re not strong enough to make someone sick. The vaccine teaches your immune system how to recognize these harmless germs so it can fight them off if they ever enter your body in real life! Vaccines aren’t 100% effective—if you do become sick after getting vaccinated, it’s still important that you see a doctor right away so he/she can give proper treatment.”
The first vaccine was developed by Edward Jenner in 1796.
The first vaccine was developed by Edward Jenner in 1796. He used cowpox, a disease that cows get and is somewhat similar to smallpox, to develop the vaccine. In the 19th century, many vaccines were developed for more diseases such as chicken pox, measles and mumps.
Immunizations are sometimes called vaccines. They both refer to medicine that helps protect against illness.
- A vaccine is given before you get sick, usually when you’re young, so that your body can build up protection against a disease before you’re at risk of getting it. For example, some diseases like chicken pox and measles spread through the air and can make people who haven’t been vaccinated very sick or even cause death. Other diseases like flu spread through contact with other people who have the virus (virus = bad stuff), so if someone with the flu touches you or sneezes on you and then you touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands—you could get sick too! The vaccine won’t protect everyone from every type of infection but it’s good enough to prevent many infections in most cases—and sometimes even severe forms of disease!
- An immunization is given after someone has already gotten sick because it helps boost their ability to fight off any future infections by stimulating their immune system (immune system = all cells & tissues in our bodies which protect us against germs). Think about how strong your immune system would be if someone gave an immunization shot every day for 5 years straight!
When your immune system fights germs, it remembers them so your body does not get sick again.
Your immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that work together to defend your body against disease. The immune system remembers what it has seen before—the pathogens it has encountered—so your body does not get sick again. This memory can last for years or even a lifetime.
When you get sick, your body makes antibodies to fight the germs that cause illness. Antibodies are proteins made by B-cells in your lymph nodes and spleen. They attach themselves to the germs so they can be destroyed by other parts of the immune system called phagocytes, which destroy foreign invaders like bacteria or viruses in the bloodstream or tissues like intestines. Phagocytes engulf and digest these invaders; then they release them into their surroundings as waste products that help keep us healthy!
A vaccine contains dead or weakened germs. It gives the immune system a preview of what it would face if exposed to real germs.
A vaccine contains dead or weakened germs that are used to build immunity. When a person is vaccinated, the body’s immune system gets a preview of the real thing and learns how to fight it if you do become ill.
The immune system is made up of many parts: organs, cells, proteins and antibodies (parts of proteins). The organs include your spleen and thymus gland. Cells include white blood cells called lymphocytes that fight infections in your body. Antibodies are special proteins produced by lymphocytes when they attack foreign invaders like bacteria or viruses.
Vaccines give your immune system an opportunity to practice fighting real disease before you’re ever exposed to it in order for your body learn how much force is needed to win the battle against infection at first contact with germs outside yourself
An immunization can stop a disease before you are exposed to it, or help the immune system fight the disease faster if you do become ill.
An immunization is a way to help the immune system fight a disease or stop it before you are exposed to it.
There are several types of vaccines available today, including those that prevent chickenpox, influenza (the flu), measles and rubella (German measles).