Fort Stanwix Paranormal Research Experience

Fort Stanwix was a colonial fortress whose construction commenced on August 26, 1758, under the direction of British General John Stanwix, we asked Ronald Andrus paranormal investigator with Ghost Hunters Extraordinaire about his experiences at Fort Stanwix, which includes quite a number of strange encounters including slamming doors and footsteps coming from the floors above.… Continue reading Fort Stanwix Paranormal Research Experience

Are Ghosts Stuck on Earth in the Near Earth Realm or Some Form of Purgatory

This whole concept of purgatory, stuck on earth, and “free them” from the house seems to be a mainstay in paranormal research. We asked Tim Woolworth, a noted paranormal researcher, speaker and author his opinion of where ghosts (spirits) seem to reside. “I, myself and a lot of other ITC researchers believe that a lot… Continue reading Are Ghosts Stuck on Earth in the Near Earth Realm or Some Form of Purgatory

High Strangeness in the Borrego Triangle

An exciting show featuring researchers and filmmakers, Derek Hayes David Flora, to discuss their upcoming film, Shadows in the Desert: High Strangeness in the Borrego Triangle. Shadows in the Desert is a documentary that will delve into the high strangeness in the “Borrego Triangle,” an area David and Derek coined that is full of anomalous… Continue reading High Strangeness in the Borrego Triangle

What is a Ghostbox?:Tim Woolworth ITC Specialist

We want to know what a ghost box is and our guest Tim Woolworth Paranormal Conference Speaker & ITC Specialist is just the guy to ask. He has a website called ITC Voices to promote ghost box ITC ( Instrumental Trans-Communication) to the world. During his time as a ghost boxer, he has built an… Continue reading What is a Ghostbox?:Tim Woolworth ITC Specialist

Oriskany Battlefield: Paranormal Research with Ghost Hunters Extraordinaire

Ronald Andrus from the Paranormal research group, Ghost Hunters Extraordinaire will be discussing the Oriskany Battlefield Haunted History. The Battle of Oriskany, fought in 1777 during the American Revolution was one of the bloodiest engagements of the war, this brings us to wonder how haunted it may be? Radio Wasteland: Okay, so I might not… Continue reading Oriskany Battlefield: Paranormal Research with Ghost Hunters Extraordinaire

What Do Paranormal Researchers Fear The Most?

Ghost hunters go into some pretty spooky situation on purpose. What do you think they fear? We talk about it and you might be surprised to find out that it has very little to do with actual ghosts or anything paranormal in nature. Chauncey Haworth: Tonight, Kara, I thought we would talk about things in… Continue reading What Do Paranormal Researchers Fear The Most?