About Christina George Christina George is a Practicing Psychic and Paranormal Investigator that Researches everything Paranormal including UFOs, Abductees, Star Children, Bigfoot, Chupacabras and Cryptozoology just to name a few. Christina is the founder of P.P.R.S. ~ Psychic Paranormal Research Society and the host of Paranormal Connections Radio Show. Christina’s whole life has been full… Continue reading Mentoring Kids With Abilities w/ Christina George
Astrology is the study of the way stars and planets move and how those movements affect people and the natural world. Astrology comes from the Latin word astrologia, which comes from the Greek word ἀστρολογία – astrologia. This word comes from the word ἄστρον – astron, which means “star” and – λογία, -logia, which means “study of”. People have used astrology for thousands of years to help them make decisions about their lives. Today, many people still use astrology to guide them in their everyday lives.

Astrology on Radio Wasteland
Radio Wasteland #44 The Astral Plane with RA Castaldo
On this episode we welcome guest Ra Castaldo to discuss the astral plane. Join us as we find out what we should and shouldn’t be doing out there, along with some updates on Sean’s attempts at stepping out into the beyond. Ra Castaldo Ra, is a hereditary Strega/Shaman, a songwriter, poet, mystic, dream seer,… Continue reading Radio Wasteland #44 The Astral Plane with RA Castaldo
Radio Wasteland #42 Astrological Predictions for 2018 with Jeff Harman
Jeff Harman has been an astrologer for four decades, utilizing a variety of systems including Traditional or Classical Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Kabbalistic Astrology, and Astro-Location Astrology. Jeff spent ten years in Beverly Hills and has a remarkable client base and databank of thousands of case studies. He is currently located in West Hills, CA.… Continue reading Radio Wasteland #42 Astrological Predictions for 2018 with Jeff Harman
Chakras with Dr Lauren Cielo
Dr Lauren Cielo As a child, Lauren often journeyed to the astral planes, mingling with the spirits and angels that inhabit the celestial realm. Lauren understood, even then, that physical reality is just a part of the entire Creation. While on this ‘trips’, Lauren learned that of many life times as a psychic and healer.… Continue reading Chakras with Dr Lauren Cielo
Intuitive Astrology w/ Jacy Nova
On this episode of Radio Wasteland, we welcome Intuitive Astrologer w/ Jacy Nova to help us learn more about the stars effect on our lives. About Jacy Nova “I’m a Virgo with a Libra rising with the Life Path Number 11. I use my psychic gifts to help others and to investigate paranormal activities. I’m… Continue reading Intuitive Astrology w/ Jacy Nova