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Jersey Devil
The Jersey Devil is a mythical creature that has been said to live in the Pine Barrens of southern New Jersey. The creature is described as having the head of a horse, the wings of a bat and the tail of a lion. It also has hooves on its feet and long claws on its hands. Some people believe that it was created by Mother Leeds, who was known as an evil woman who lived in New Jersey during colonial times. Others believe it is an animal that escaped from a zoo or a circus. Regardless of what it actually is, many people have reported seeing this creature over the years and there are even some pictures that have been taken by hunters.

The legend of the Jersey Devil has been around for a very long time.
It is believed that the legend of the Jersey Devil has been around for hundreds of years, since at least the 1700s.
The legend states that a mother gave birth to 12 children, but only one boy survived. In his rage at being rejected, this “Devil Baby” flew away and terrorized the area until he was finally killed by an angry mob.
There are many different theories and stories about the Jersey Devil.
There are many theories surrounding the Jersey Devil. Some people believe that it is a type of animal, while others say it is an alien, ghost or demon. There are even those who believe it may be a witch’s curse.
Jersey Devil on Radio Wasteland
The most prevalent Jersey Devil Story
In the most popular version of the Jersey Devil story, Mother Leeds was a witch. She had 12 children and cursed her 13th child when it was born on Friday the 13th. When it grew up, it turned into a monster and killed everyone in the house.
Heck yeah! That sounds like something I’d do if I were a witch with 12 kids!
Another story describes a terrible storm that lifted a man named Daniel Leeds into the air and he was transformed into a creature having bat-like wings.
“Another story describes a terrible storm that lifted a man named Daniel Leeds into the air and he was transformed into a creature having bat-like wings. The Jersey Devil has often been reported to have the head of a horse or goat, hooves instead of feet, and large horns on its forehead. It is said to fly at night searching for victims to feed on.”
It’s also said that if you encounter this creature, you should run away as fast as possible because it will kill anyone who dares to approach it.
The creature has been described as having black skin or fur, horns, sharp claws, glowing red eyes and a mouthful of sharp teeth.
The Jersey Devil has been described as having black skin or fur, horns, sharp claws, glowing red eyes and a mouthful of sharp teeth.
The creature has been reported to fly like a bat and make a screeching sound similar to that of a woman in labor.
The Jersey Devil is surrounded by mystery because there are very few documented sightings of it. The first person to ever report seeing the Jersey Devil was John Leedskalnin (1748-1821). Leedskalnin claimed that he saw the devil while he was hunting rabbits near his home in 1735 at age seven years old. According to his account: “I looked down from my mountain top home towards the village below and saw something flying above me which I could not identify.” He continued by saying: “It had long wings like those on an owl but it looked more like an eagle with its talons spread out wide open as if ready for attack.”
Some kind of animal or an alien from another planet?
Some say that the Jersey Devil is actually some kind of animal such as an antlered kangaroo or goat, while others believe it is an alien from another planet who crash-landed in New Jersey.
Although there are many interesting theories about what the Jersey Devil may be, most people agree on one fact: The legend of this monster has been passed down through generations for over two hundred years. This makes it one of America’s oldest urban legends and a fascinating subject to study!
If you see something strange in New Jersey today…
If you see something strange in New Jersey today, it’s probably just a wild animal. But you never know! It could be an alien from another planet or a monster and—if we’re being realistic—it’s probably just a wild animal.
But what if it was an antlered kangaroo or goat? Or maybe even more excitingly: imagine the Jersey Devil himself! We don’t want to give too much away, but here are some animals that could possibly be mistaken for him:
- A regular kangaroo (although he is said to have horns)
- A regular wallaby (also with horns)
Many people believe there is a creature living in New Jersey called the Jersey Devil.
You might have heard of the Jersey Devil. In fact, many people in New Jersey believe that there’s a creature living in their state called the Jersey Devil.
What is the Jersey Devil?
The legend of the Jersey Devil was born at Leeds Point (now known as Salem). A farmer named Stephen Leeds and his wife had twelve children together. They were very poor, and one day when Stephen went out to find food for his family, he returned home empty handed. He didn’t have any money to feed them with either. His wife was very angry because she knew that if they couldn’t eat then they would die! Stephen got scared and ran away into the darkness of night until he came across an old woman who offered him shelter from rain at her house nearby – if he promised not to tell anyone else about it!
Stephen agreed but when he got inside this strange looking old lady turned into some kind of monster which scared him very badly indeed – so much so that he ran off again and ended up back home safely but feeling very ill!
What is the Jersey Devil? It’s hard to say for sure. There are many different stories and theories about this creature, but there’s no real evidence that it exists. If you do see something strange while traveling through New Jersey, though, don’t be afraid! It’s probably just a wild animal. But you never know!